Document Everything

Earlier this year, I've started documenting stuff I'm working on or figure out on this blog. I've never shared my posts on social media or elsewhere and didn't expect anyone to randomly stumble across my posts – at least for a while. This changed a few days back, when I was messaged by a reader interested in my Shokz OpenSwim Audiobooks script.

Surprised that somebody found my post, I was happy to help out and set up the reader's private machine to be able to run my scripts. They messaged me later saying that everything worked perfectly and expressed their gratitude for my help. They also donated two Ko-Fis (equiv. 10 EUR) to my Ko-Fi page.

While I don't rely on donations, it felt great putting something out there and actually have someone benefit from my work. Incidentally, the 10 EUR were my first non-work-related internet dollars (euros). I now feel motivated to keep sharing what I'm working on, on the off chance that somebody might find it useful in the future.

My posts are pretty random, covering a wide range of topics, so I'm unsure if there is an actual target audience for my blog. But it's good to know that Google has my back and suggests my posts to users that are interested in any single entry.

If any of my posts ever help you, please do reach out. I'm always happy to hear that something I've made improved someone else's life.

Until next time,
